With cybersecurity becoming more complex and the threats even more dangerous… knowing what to do to protect yourself can seem like an impossible task. That is until now, welcome to the CyberBites Podcast. The Podcast where we help you filter through the noise one byte at a time.

Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Meet the Candidate - John Westercamp for Indiana AG
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
In this special and the first "Meet the Candidate" episode of the CyberBites Podcast, I had the opportunity to chat with another candidate who is running for the Office of Indiana Attorney General. This past week I virtually sat down with John Westercamp over Zoom. John is a native Hoosier, a graduate of Purdue University where he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Management and a Master’s degree in Finance. John also a graduated from IU law school, where he graduated with honors and received an award for oral advocacy during the Sherman Minton Moot Court competition.
From John's campaign website it says his "vision for the Attorney General’s office is to lead the state by collaborating with the administration and with the General Assembly to advance meaningful conservative policies. As a practicing attorney, John helps his clients navigate legal and regulatory issues so they can achieve their business goals. He believes Indiana needs an Attorney General who can appreciate the regulatory challenges of small and medium sized businesses.
During our conversation we spoke about why he is running for Indiana AG, why he is the best choice for this office, the role of Indiana AG, and finish off the conversation talking about cybersecurity. I really enjoyed this conversation with John, wish him the best of luck in his bid for Indiana AG, and look forward to talking to him again!
John's Campaign site: https://www.johnwestercamp.com/meet-john
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/westercampforag/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JohnWestercamp
On a special note, the entire CyberBites family hopes that you and your family are staying safe and healthy during this COVID-19 crisis.

Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Meet the Candidate - Adam Krupp for Indiana AG
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
If you have not heard, 2020 is a major election year. With it brings many races at the Federal and State levels. The first round of contests will be decided in the primary elections, which in Indiana is in May. From there we move on to the general elections. Here in Indiana, besides having the presidential and US House candidates on the ballot, the offices of the Indiana Governor, Lt. Governor, IGA (House and Senate), and the Indiana Attorney General (AG) are up for grabs.
I was extremely fortunate to have the opportunity to sit down with Adam Krupp who is seeking the Indiana GOP nomination for the office of Indiana Attorney General. Adam is a Hoosier native, who has served the past three Indiana Governors and spent the last three years leading the Indiana Department of Revenue. Seeing an opportunity to make more of a difference here in this great state, he left his post at IDOR to run for Indiana AG.
Over the course of an hour, Adam and I sat down at the Monon Coffee Company in Broad Ripple to discuss why he decided to run for this office, the duties & responsibilities of the Indiana AG, and we even talk a bit about how cybersecurity fits into his agenda. We also addressed the comments from friend of the show Rob Kendall from WIBC's State House Happening's show about Governor Holcomb's support (direct or indirect) for Adam running for AG.
I want to thank Adam again for taking time out of the campaign trail to talk. I do wish him the best of luck. I will hold him to his promise and get him back on the show if he wins the nomination at the Indiana Republican Convention in June.
Adam's Social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Krupp4AG/
Twitter: @RealAdamKrupp

Sunday Feb 09, 2020
Lindsay Marie Interview Part 2
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
On this week's episode of Cyber.Now, part two of my conversation with Lindsay Marie. The episode starts out by picking up the conversation on the FBI misleading the FISC on the FISA application to spy on Carter Page. Lindsay and I talk about her recent article on the FDA considering slowing down the already slow drug approval process and her article on how Democrat professors outnumber republican professors. Both articles are very well written and it was great to get a bit of a scoop if you will on the FDA article! Links to both articles are below. Again I want to thank Lindsay for coming on the show, for being a friend, and supporter of Liberty!

Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Lindsay Marie FISA Discussion Part 1
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
This week I was fortunate to be able to talk with friend of the show Lindsay Marie. This week's episode is part one of that conversation. We discuss Indiana State politics, specifically, S.B 436 and how the Indiana GOP is acting more like Democrat liberals versus conservative Republicans. We also get into Miranda and a couple of other Law Enforcement related topics. Per usual, our conversation did end up going a bit in every direction. I am very thankful for her coming on the show.
I was able to get a little bit of a preview of her latest article on Town Hall, which can be found here:

Sunday Jan 26, 2020
A FISA Court Discussion
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Over the last few months we have heard of the incompetence and abuses of the FBI when it has come to their application for FISA on Carter Page. Not to say that just one mistake or improper use would have major consequences, but there were 17 times the FBI misrepresented the information they presented to the FISC. As DOJ Inspector General Micheal Horowitz stated in his report, these were serial abuses in the surveillance of Carter Page. The failures of the FISA Court and the failures by the FBI are not just harmful to the President, they are harmful to all Americans. So what does this have to do with cybersecurity, well I get in to that and more in this week's episode.
https://www.aclu.org/issues/national-security/privacy-and-surveillance/warrantless-surveillance-under-section-702-fisa https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/foreign-intelligence-surveillance-fisa-section-702-executive-order-12333 https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/115-2018/s12 https://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/475053-fisa-courts-rebuke-of-the-fbi-it-broke-or-ignored-the-rules-and-our https://thefederalist.com/2020/01/06/inspector-general-report-shows-special-counsel-replicated-fbi-abuses/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/11/20/justice-watchdog-cites-investigative-challenges-prior-russia-report/4249000002/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/12/05/fisa-report-inspector-general-probe-into-fbi-may-not-satisfy-trumps-predictions-william-barr/2597748001/ https://www.cincinnati.com/story/opinion/contributors/2018/02/14/fisa-write-epitaph-fourth-amendment/318548002/

Sunday Jan 19, 2020
A New Year, A New Cyber Conflict Emerges
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
Happy New Year folks! Things around command central have been busy. At the end of the year I was offered an Adjunct Professor position teaching onlinedistance ed cybersecurity courses for an Indiana based University. That meant most of my time in December and the beginning of this year was spent on prepping things for this class. Don't fret, I am back with the first episode of 2020 and boy do we have some stuff to talk about. There are some potential changes in store for the podcast as I am looking to make this podcast better. These changes could included a name and format change. In the mean time there is still plenty of cyber news to talk about especially with the the on goings between the U.S. and Iran.
In other news I am happy to announce the return of CyberTech Midwest July 14 & 15, 2020. I have spoken to the folks at CyberTech and we are working on getting a partnership going. I hope to have Julia Kraut back on the show here in the coming weeks.
Source Links:

Sunday Dec 15, 2019
A Real Life Lesson in the Dangers of an IoT Connected World
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
If there is one episode of this show you should listen to, this is that one! I get into a story from the Washington Post about a hacker who compromised a Ring camera that as installed in an eight year old girls room. This punk tried to get her to say some very derogatory words all the while finding himself oh so amusing. For as bad as it was it could have been a whole lot worse. We have to be extremely mindful of the technology we bring in our homes. This is just one story of why that is true. There are many other dangers we could discuss and probably will after the holidays. Please share this episode with your friends and family!

Sunday Nov 24, 2019
A Long Rant on a Short Story
Sunday Nov 24, 2019
Sunday Nov 24, 2019
This morning I was going through my pre-podcast routine looking for some articles to discuss and I come across this article from thehill.com. Looking at the title alone I was intrigued enough to click on the link. The other thing I noticed is that the article had a “Sponsored Content” tag. The title is “Why Backdoors are Distracting us from Real Cybersecurity Issues." I was expecting some insights that maybe I have not thought about on this particular subject. After reading through the article I found myself scratching my head and thinking okay the content did not have a lick to do with the title. This episode is all about me destroying the article and using it as an example of why you need to fact check, verify content, and don't take things at face value. The last subject I dug into was the arrest of two red teamers who where conducting a pentest on the behalf of the State of Iowa. This story should serve as a a warning to you red teamers, make sure you have your stuff in order.

Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Why won't the Epstein Didn't Kill Himself Meme Go Away?
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
In a what seems to be a rare move towards liberty, a bill to restrict law enforcement's use of facial recognition technology is introduced in the U.S. Senate. We also cover the meeting between a couple of prominent social activist groups and Facebook on Facebook's political speech policy. Finally, why won't the Epstein Didn't Kill himself meme just die? I mean go away. What is it about this meme and other memes like it that take hold on social media and have the masses hang on to them? Are memes in general harmful to society, are they a way for us to understand what is going on, or are they the subconscious thought of our society?

Monday Nov 04, 2019
Old Rudy G. Butt Dials a Legend
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Good morning from the racing capital of the world, Speedway, IN. My name is Nick Sturgeon your host, thank you for listening to the episode 67 of the Cyber.Now Podcast, your #1 spot for learning about tech, cybersecurity, politics, and policy. I want to thank our show sponsor Delta Research! I cannot thank them enough for their support. I also want to thank all of you who are listening to this episode right now for taking time out of your day. Time is the one resource that we do not get back and are not guaranteed. I really appreciate you spending that valuable resource on this podcast.
For those of you who are first time listeners thank you for tuning in. It is my goal to keep you around coming back week in and week out. If you are a returning listener, you continued support is very much appreciated. Outside of listening, I ask a couple of simple things if you find this show’s content valuable, share the show with your network, subscribe, rate, review and go sign up for my mailing list at cybernowpod.com for the latest news, insights and behind the scene information.
The last couple of weeks have been really busy. The week of Oct 13 my family and I went to Florida for fall break and since coming back my work schedule has been super busy. I have hosted and/or presented three different presentations in the last two weeks. I want to the folks at the University of Southern Indiana HITs, the Indiana and Kentucky Chapters of HIMSS for having present on Cyber Risk Management on Oct 23. I also want to thank Jessica Jagger, Jennifer Trusler, and Ivy Tech Community College for having in this past week to speak on taking advantage of your introversionextraversion. I also hosted a cyber sharing webinar that was very well attended.
A little public service announcement. For those listeners in the Indianapolis area, on November 14 at the Marriott North, the National Cybersecurity Alliance is hosting two cybersecurity workshops. The first workshop is titled CyberSecure My Family & Home. Yours truly along with Daniel Elliot with the National Cybersecurity Alliance and Todd Kossow with the Federal Trade Commission will be on this panel. If you want to learn how not to let cybercriminals into your home, this is the workshop for you. This first one will begin at 9am. I am looking forward to this workshop.
Additionally, at 1pm the second workshop titled Cybersecure my business will discuss why small and mid-sized businesses are targeted by cyber criminals. As well this workshop will help you
Identify which business assets others want
Protect those assets
Detect when something has gone wrong
Respond quickly and appropriately with an action plan
Recover after a breach
A link to both workshops will be included in the show notes.
Getting into some news.
From wired.com “Congress Still Doesn't Have an Answer for Ransomware.” My simple response is because this is a problem that cannot be legislated away, isn’t a problem congress is equipped to answer, are smart enough to answer, nor are they the right group to address this problem. The article reads…..
This is why I don’t trust the federal government when it comes to cybersecurity. There is no sane or logical reason to make Rudy Giuliani the cybersecurity advisor. He is not qualified to really speak on cybersecurity issues. This is one example of why. This video is courtesy of NBC News [Play video]
That’s it for this week’s show you guys. Thank you all for tuning in, I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks again to our sponsor Delta Research for supporting the show. Again, if you want to join in on the conversation go to the show’s web page at www.cybernowpod.com, Facebook and twitter. If you want to get a hold of me directly you can find me on Twitter @The_Polititech or email me at nick@thepolititech.com. Finally, if you think this show is worthy, to go to iTunes, Podbean, Stitcher, or your favorite podcasting platform to subscribe, rate, review and don’t forget to share the show. If you guys do all of that I will be back again next week to do this again. Until then have a great week, talk to you soon.
CyberSecure My Family & Home: https://staysafeonline.org/event/cybersecure-your-home-indianapolis/
CyberSecure My Business: https://staysafeonline.org/event/csmb-workshop-indianapolis-19/